Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lots of ranting. Beware.

It's pretty crazy how a day can start out shitty, but then end up amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing.

My day started out with speech writing and listening to Hannah talk about the Beatles. That usually wouldn't be a problem, but she seemed to be more full of herself than usual, telling me that my favorite Beatles song is lame because "it's so popular." And bitching about how they were "just now getting popular" and how she loved tons them before everyone else. Which is weird, because I never heard her mention them before ever. And we've been friends since before kindergarten.

Okay Hannah rant over. I just need to let that shit out sometimes.

Moving on.

I had to also read that speech I wrote to the class. Which was bad, since I hadn't practiced at all. I was fucking up really bad, but then I mentioned Nutella and everyone got distracted. :P

Then I had to put up with Carl in science. He bitches about how you do everything wrong, but then refuses to do any work. And somehow he's really popular. Do not get.

But then after that, my day got awesome.
I got to see Kathy, which makes everything better. EXCEPT THAT SHE'S NEVER EATEN A GRAPE. OR CHIPOTLE. OR EVEN A FREAKIN' TACO. Me and Eliza are gonna fix that. :P

Then I went to this church coffee thing after school with Mark, Abby, and Stephen. I know the whole church part sounds lame, but it was fucking awesome.
The preacher, Josh, is the greatest adult ever.
We were just gonna have coffee and talk about boring stuff, but then he decided he was gonna show us somewhere at the lake.
So we just randomly went there. And when we got there, he did that thing you see in movies a lot where the car spins around. It was crazy. Stephen threw up a little. :P
Then I went to drum lessons where I didn't fail.
Plus it was raining all day, which makes everything better.

I'm really sorry if you read that really boring thing. Seriously.
Listen to this song. It's my way of apologizing.

I love Panic! At The Disco. So much.
I need to find A Fever You Can't Sweat Out somewhere.

Austin: And for a second, I thought you weren't going to be retarded. I was was wrong.

God, I love/miss those guys. They're my favorite nerdy metal heads.

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