Friday, September 25, 2009


I'm actually remembering to post. Daaaamn.

I don't really feel like typing a lot, so I'm going to post some pictures.

Look at that. It's fucking beautiful.
42 more days.
Fuck. Yes. :D

This is what my room currently looks like.
If you look next to the window, you can see some of the paint.
I can't wait till it's done.

The picture's pretty dark, so it's hard to tell what it is.
That's the KU marching band.
My brother is one of the sousaphones.
Can't tell which though. :P

Stick THAT in your flower and photosynthesize it! -MG

Okay I'm bored now.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Procrastinating. Woo.

So it's 10:30, and I should be doing my math homework right now, but I decided to procrastinate and write a shittyass blog instead.

Um. Let's see.
Shit to write about.

My 14th birthday is tomorrow, that's pretty cool. I'm a little scared to see what my friends did to my locker. I already got my presents from the family. My mom bought me House of Leaves, Mom/Dad gave me a card with $40 inside, Will gave me a noise card that made awkward kissy noises with $30 inside, and then Dad took me to Half-Price Books and let me choose 2 books to buy there. Good day, except I was forced to go to church. There was cake there, so it was less bad than usual.
Also, Big Stephen told me that Mini Stephen is gonna give me a hug tomorrow. I like Mini Stephen. He's my favorite midget. Even more than Jamie. AND JAMIE IS BRITISH.

This picture is currently the picture I have in my Social Studies binder. The only reason I'm telling you this is because every single day I have Social Studies, Eliza says "WOW. Davey has a really nice face." And then we discuss his face until class starts.

I decided what color I'm painting my room. It's a pretty dark purple. I'm fucking excited to start painting. I've had the same boring white walls my ENTIRE life. And that crayola banner that goes across the top. That was fine when I was 2. But I'm not 2. I turn 14 in a couple of hours. It's not okay anymore.

Pandora is one of the greatest websites ever. My Cobra Starship station plays some of the greatest music.

OH WOAH. JUST REMEMBERED. New Muse CD tomorrow. On my birthday. Fuuuuckyes! I can't wait.

There was a video here but it got removed.
Stupid copyright claim.

I had 2 soccer games yesterday. We won the first one 5-2, and lost the second 3-4. I had never been so exhausted in my life. :P

I'm so sexy with the bottom of a laptop mapped out on my thighs.

Shit. I ran out of stuff to write about.
Now I have to do my math homework. I guess I'll just cheat and use a calculator. Don't tell Mr. Kramer.

PS- It turns out Shorty isn't dead. That's good. She can't show up at my/Libby's high school graduation if she's dead. :P

Friday, September 11, 2009


I really feel like posting random thoughts that drifted through my head today.

  • What time is i- OH SHIT I OVERSLEPT.
  • Wait. I have to sit next to motherfucking John?! Someone shoot me, please.
  • Carl. Shut up. You're an annoying dickface. Ihateyouihateyouihateyou.
  • Um, did I just get slapped by Libby? I think I did. BITCH. <3
  • Holy shit Cheetos. Alita, gimme a Cheeto. Omnomnomnom.
  • Ms. Hoey totally hate my guts. That's okay. I hate science anyways.
  • Um, holy shit. Can we stop watching this 9/11 video? It's scaring me. A lot.
  • Ooooh donut. Cocoa Puffs on top. Win.
  • Why does my mom think being vegan is stupid? It's better for the environment, a lot healthier, and tons better for the poor animals.
  • Dear Corban. You're overreacting to things more than I do. And that's pretty weak, especially for someone who's always talking about how they don't give a fuck what everyone thinks.
  • I wonder if Corban's major freakout is gonna break up Pass-A-Fist. I hope not, I wanted to see Jon play before they broke up. D:

Mr. Gillman:  Your shoes are cool!
Abby:  Thanks...?
Mr. Gillman:  They look like couches! Like one I had when I was younger!

Busy weekend ahead.
2 soccer games, shitload of homework, plus my birthday dinner on Sunday. Chipotle for the win :D

Oh, and in case the birthday dinner didn't give you a hint, my birthday is on Monday. 14 years, bitch.
Also the Muse CD and my first year of vegetarianness. Hell yes.

And apparently my mom wants to paint my walls this weekend, and I still have no idea.
I have some red paint samples, and some purple ones. I like the purples better, but I dunno which one..

Band kids are the best.
Especially when they're from Free State :P

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lots of ranting. Beware.

It's pretty crazy how a day can start out shitty, but then end up amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing.

My day started out with speech writing and listening to Hannah talk about the Beatles. That usually wouldn't be a problem, but she seemed to be more full of herself than usual, telling me that my favorite Beatles song is lame because "it's so popular." And bitching about how they were "just now getting popular" and how she loved tons them before everyone else. Which is weird, because I never heard her mention them before ever. And we've been friends since before kindergarten.

Okay Hannah rant over. I just need to let that shit out sometimes.

Moving on.

I had to also read that speech I wrote to the class. Which was bad, since I hadn't practiced at all. I was fucking up really bad, but then I mentioned Nutella and everyone got distracted. :P

Then I had to put up with Carl in science. He bitches about how you do everything wrong, but then refuses to do any work. And somehow he's really popular. Do not get.

But then after that, my day got awesome.
I got to see Kathy, which makes everything better. EXCEPT THAT SHE'S NEVER EATEN A GRAPE. OR CHIPOTLE. OR EVEN A FREAKIN' TACO. Me and Eliza are gonna fix that. :P

Then I went to this church coffee thing after school with Mark, Abby, and Stephen. I know the whole church part sounds lame, but it was fucking awesome.
The preacher, Josh, is the greatest adult ever.
We were just gonna have coffee and talk about boring stuff, but then he decided he was gonna show us somewhere at the lake.
So we just randomly went there. And when we got there, he did that thing you see in movies a lot where the car spins around. It was crazy. Stephen threw up a little. :P
Then I went to drum lessons where I didn't fail.
Plus it was raining all day, which makes everything better.

I'm really sorry if you read that really boring thing. Seriously.
Listen to this song. It's my way of apologizing.

I love Panic! At The Disco. So much.
I need to find A Fever You Can't Sweat Out somewhere.

Austin: And for a second, I thought you weren't going to be retarded. I was was wrong.

God, I love/miss those guys. They're my favorite nerdy metal heads.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Nala. Please marry me.

Seriously. I love you so much Nala. :P

Busy day today. I could go into detail about things, but I'm lazy, so I'll make a list.

  1. Was woken up by Stephen asking if I was still gonna go play soccer.
  2. Figured out who all was going to Deerfield to play some soccer.
  3. Played soccer for 2 minutes, then played on the tire swing.
  4. Partied at Abby's house with Abby, Emily, and Megan. Good times.
  5. Went to KU game with Abby and 'rents.
  6. Ate a shitload of junk food.
  7. Saw my brother and gave him a big hug. He was sweaty from marching...
  8. Typed this.
And now I'm gonna go play pokemon. Cause I'm so cool. :P

Wait. Friend quote thing. I already forgot.

Ian: Chrome is faster
Me: But...FIREFOX.
Ian: FireFox has sex with me every night, I know

Friday, September 4, 2009


That gibberish actually means something. :P

I've been listening to this song a lot. It's my favorite Beatles song :D

And I've decided that every blog entry I post, I'm gonna have a random quote from one of my friends. If I actually remember. Cause my friends say some awesome shit.

There's something in my pants... It keeps poking my butt.

Ohmygoodness. Article in the newspaper about The Get Up Kids.
They're the only cool thing that I can think of that's come out of this little town I live in.

I really don't have anything to say. Which raises the question of why I have a blog. The answer to that is: I was bored. My life isn't really that eventful.
This is the end of my pointless mumbling. I hope I didn't waste too much of your life.